
DAM architekti has been operating on the Czech market for over 30 years. We design buildings in the Czech Republic and abroad. Among the most prominent projects are the BBC Filadelfie office building, Main Point Pankrác, and Palác Euro on Wenceslas Square. In addition to new buildings, a significant part of our portfolio is retrofitting historic buildings, often accompanied by modern additions. DAM's permanent staff currently consists of a team of usually 15 people - most of them architects. In addition, DAM is supported by a range of experienced specialist offices employing professionals in other disciplines. Therefore, we can guarantee a comprehensive delivery of design work, including consultation, even for large-scale investment projects. We are the only Czech office awarded the Best Office Building in the World in the MIPIM Award for the Main Point Karlín building.

The history of the office dates to 1989, when its founders, Richard Doležal and Petr Malinský, first met. Two years later, in 1991, the DAM brand was officially established. In the new millennium's first two decades, five architects led the office: Richard Doležal, Petr Burian, Jiří Havrda, Jiří Hejda, and Jan Holna. The office currently has two managing partners, Jiří Hejda and Jan Holna, who run the office together with the founding partner Richard Doležal.

Img office@2x
publications / awards
2023 Česká cena za architekturu - competition partner award CENTRAL GROUP a.s. Holečkova 26 residence
2019 Stavba roku Středočeského kraje DOB Centre in Dobřichovice
2019 Green Roof of the Year - Public Green Roof category Main Point Pankrác
2015 Best of Realty – 3. místo v kategorii nová administrativní centra The Blox
2013 BigMat International Architecture Award – 2. cena ex aequo v národní kategorii Tenement House with a gym
2012 MIPIM Awards – vítěz kategorie Best Office and Business Development Main Point Karlin
2012 Nominace na titul Stavba roku + Cena ministra průmyslu a obchodu za energetické řešení unikátní architektury Main Point Karlin
2012 Nominace na Evropskou cenu Mies van der Rohe Tenement House with a gym
2011 Grand Prix architektů – hlavní cena Tenement House with a gym
2011 Top Invest – cena za nejlepší investice roku BB Centrum Filadelfie
2011 Best of Realty – cena v kategorii nová administrativní centra Main Point Karlin
2011 International Property Awards - nejvyšší ocenění 5* Main Point Karlin
2011 CIJ Awards Czech Republic - Best Office Development Main Point Karlin
2011 Best of Realty – cena v kategorii rezidenční projekty Švédská Residence
2005 Grand Prix Obce architektů čestné uznání v kategorii interiér The Story of Prague Castle
2004 Stavba roku Boscolo Carlo IV Hotel
2004 Best of Realty - cena v kategorii rezidenční projekty Mrázovka apartment villa
2003 Nominace a užší výběr na Evropskou cenu Mies van der Rohe Euro Palace
2003 Grand Prix Obce architektů - cena v kategorii novostavba Euro Palace
2003 Best of Realty – cena v kategorii obchodní centra Euro Palace
2002 Piranesi Award - čestné uznání Euro Palace
2002 Stavba roku - cena primátora hlavního města Prahy Euro Palace
1996 Grand Prix Obce architektů - cena v kategorii design a drobná architektura Komerční banka (bank)
1995 Grand Prix Obce architektů – čestné uznání v kategorii interier Vejvodova
Prezident Václav Havel
Fero Fenič
Václav Fischer
The National Gallery in Prague
Ministry of Culture Czech republic
Prague Castle Administration
Rolex Jewellers
Passerinvest Group
PSJ invest
V Invest CZ
Plzeňský Prazdroj
Komerční banka
Kanton Bern
Zürich city
FIM Group
Boscolo Hotels
Pražská správa nemovitostí
Penta Investments
Czech Property Investments
HB Reavis
Real Estate Karlin Group
MČ Praha 1
AFI Europe
Immofinanz Group
Immorent ČR
PPF Group
Cimex Invest
Richter Hotels
Kooperativa pojišťovna
Arcibiskupství pražské
Geone Real Estate
Erste Group Immorent ČR
M&A RealConsult
Discovery Group
Manghi Czech Republic
Vienna Insurance Group
YIT Stavo
TTC Real Estate
CPI Group
DAM partners
Holna Jan
show CV
Hejda Jiří
show CV
Doležal Richard
show CV
ing. arch Jan Holna

Born 1972 in Prague. In 1990-1996 he studied at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague. Then he worked for a year in the architectural office PAK (Pata and Kordovský), Prague. In 1997, he started working with DAM architects (formerly DaM), where he has been a partner since 2006 and a CEO since 2014. Since 2015 he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of o.p.s. A year later in 2016 he also became a lecturer at ARCHIP (Prague). He has been an authorized member of the Czech Chamber of Architects since 1999.

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ing. arch. Jiří Hejda

Born 1970 in Prague. He studied at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in 1988-1995. Already during his studies he cooperated with Professor Sedláček's Atelier 91 in Prague, at the same time he was engaged in independent project activity - family houses and interior design. He started working with DAM architects (formerly DaM) in 1993 and became one of the partners in 2006. Now he is also a CEO at DAM architekti. He has been an authorized member of the Czech Chamber of Architects since 1998. Since 2019, he has been the city architect of the Prague 22 district.

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Dipl. Arch. Richard Doležal ETH/SIA

Born 1953 in Ostrava. He spent a significant part of his life in Switzerland, where his family emigrated in 1968. Here he also studied at the Faculty of Architecture of ETH Zurich between 1973 and 1980, including professional internships in Zurich, Cologne and Salamanca, Spain. Between 1980-1994 he was a freelance associate at the Swiss architectural firms Palliard + Leemann (Zurich), Andrea Roost (Bern) and subsequently as a senior designer at I + B Architekten (Zurich, Bern). From 1982 to 2006 he ran his own architectural office in Biel and Zurich, Switzerland. In the revolutionary year 1989, he met Petr Malinský in Prague and subsequently founded the architectural office DaM (now DAM architects), where he is still one of the partners.

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DAM kitchen cannot miss ...

Bassyová Anežka

Without quality ingredients and good teamwork at the stove.

Cirmonová Veronika

Bez kreativního chaosu.

Ivan Jansová Adéla

Bez chuti k jídlu, pár základních ingrediencí a žádostivě hledícího kocoura na okenním parapetu.

Jechová Adéla

Bez vášně a následného žáru, co uchvátí kuchyň do požáru.

Kozohorská Hana

Bez myčky nádobí by to u nás doma bylo na rozvod!

Maťášová Gabriela

Musil Tomáš

Bez hladu a mlsné nálady, která uvádí vše do pohybu.

Mr. Brusinka (Cranberry)

Without scratching and burping... or vice versa

Pokorný Antonín

Hlavně musí být duša v peří.

Říhová Pavlína

Tretiníková Petra

Bez vnímání možnosti pozitivního zakončení neznámé či dokonce zdánlivě neřešitelné situace v lednici.

Yepur Bohdan

Bez společnosti a dobrého rozhovoru.

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