
port 7

new mixed-use centre

The Port7 project features 48,000 m2 of new usable areas. An office complex will be built on the riverbank, including all the necessary amenities - shops, restaurants, a kindergarten/school, a hotel, or short-term accommodation. The campus will also contain a marina for motor and small boats. The waterfront and boat landing stages will be a place for cultural and social events and, at the same time, a space for water sports. more

The project for the revitalisation and conversion of the existing brownfield site of the former Wolf-Prefa prefabricates production plant in Holešovice is built between the Trojský Most (bridge) and Most Barikádníků (bridge). The area is defined by the Vltava River in the north and the Holešovice Railway Station's tracks in the south. The project connects the existing urban areas with the new complex and the river by a pedestrian passage under the railway platforms of Nádraží Holešovice (railway station;) car can access the garages of the complex from the west and the east. The new construction of the complex is elevated on a base adjacent to the passage from the railway station above the peak flood level Q 2002. The ground floor is partially covered by a pergola of slatted elements sensually screening and calming the ground floor and separating it from the building's higher sections. The office and retail parterre gradually loosens into sojourn meadows and additional greenery through a cascade of low terraces that meander between the buildings on the northern frontage. The three administrative buildings (towers) connected by corridor blocks at the southern side of the complex hold a regular perpendicular position to the railway axis and create a transition to the loose development in the northern front. Here are four detached fan-shaped lower towers used as offices, a hotel and a school. The rotation of these buildings away from the direct north-south axis allows more excellent views and better visual comfort of residents and visitors. For the same reason, the accommodation buildings on the northern river frontage are relieved on the upper floors by a continuous loggia/balcony system. The office blocks are more dominant in the area in terms of volume and view. They accentuate the railway station's location and create an acoustic barrier and a contrast with the hotel towers and the school towards the river. The maximum number of floors of the southern central tower is ten, with two underground floors for parking, storage, and technology. The project foresees that the left bank of the Vltava will be connected, allowing a continuous passage through the Holešovice meander in the east-west axis towards the Troja basin. Furthermore, a cycling and a walking path will be built, making the bank more attractive by creating recreational and recreational areas connected to the planned urban river transport and the above-mentioned accessible passage for pedestrian passengers from the Metro and the Holešovice railway station. Within the complex, the old farmstead "U Šimků" will be preserved and converted into a wellness and sauna centre; the former Armovna (reinforcement production hall) will also be transformed - the project includes newly designed sports lofts. The greenery creates resting places with recreation meadows. The riverbank provides for a future river tram stop. The project is designed to be certified LEED Platinum and comply with the WELL certification system focused on healthy indoor environments.

  • addressPartyzánská 18/23
    Praha 7-Holešovice
  • year2018
  • investorPort 7 s.r.o. (SKANSKA)
  • design teamJiří Havrda, Štefan Zifčák, Richard Szilvássy
  • collaborationOndřej Novák, Šárka Ullwerová, Shota Pertenava, Martin Chudíček, Ondrej Pleidel, Matej Marada, Gabriela Šatrová, Pavel Šefl, Michal Papež
  • photographs/visualizationsX TEND London
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