The basic concept of the mass design respects the original regulation of the place and situation established by the original barrack. We work with the principle of cutting and loosening the formerly imaginary compact mass extruded from the site’s area. Logical and interesting relations are established this way between individual units of a cubic ´brick-box´ we selected to divide the mass and bring in daylight. Structuring and hierarchization of surfaces of this puzzle work with distinguishing the outer shell, the cutting edges and inserted relieving grating carrying the layer of balconies. By our design, we try to please both historical footprints in the history of Jihlava (block/ loosened structure) and remain contextual. In our understanding, this means namely the fact that the greater part of the newly designed buildings is no higher than the existing ones. We borrow the form of three blocks on the south side from the existing building. That is why our approach is to divide the mass in a regular structure separated by internal courtyards. We respect the current definition of fixed corners much like modern buildings do. Likewise, a discrete reference to the doubled Great Order of the present barracks appears in the detail arrangement of facades. A ´sandwiched´ layer of balconies is a standard element used to introduce rhythm into the internal parts of the composition, while we add amply dimensioned loggias along the perimeter – to the street. We underline the difference between the outer, more closed municipal face contrasting with the private, more open courtyard side. The house this way intensifies the expression of a strong, solid mass. Pink is not dead!